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Life Coaching by Kathy O'Connor
Contact me on +353 (0)86 867 6565


Creating and Living the Life You Want

There are a number of things that can hold you back from creating and living the life that you want and dream of. I have recognised five categories that can contribute to holding people back. As you read them see how they relate to yourself. 1. Clarity – Some people are held back because they don’t know…

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Getting it Right

When you take the time to stop and think about what it is that you want from your life what usually happens is that you will look for something different or better than what you already have. What is required is that some kind of change will occur. The main areas that are normally explored are:…

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What is Lifecoaching?

The question that I am asked a lot is ‘What is Lifecoaching?’ so today I would like to give you my thoughts on this. COACHING is a unique relationship between the coach and the client where the coach focuses on the client and is committed to assisting the client creating a healthy and positive lifestyle. It…

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Beat Procastination and Take Action

Taking action is the strongest and most proven way to create success in your life. Many of us suffer from procrastination, and end up with the feeling of failure and underachievement. What is procrastination? Well it is simply putting of until tomorrow that what can be done today. I call procrastination the Thief of Time. While…

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Appreciating Your Life

Acknowledging and appreciating yourself and what you have achieved in life is a must, and much more so when times are difficult. This is something that we rarely take the time to do. All the focus is extended out into the future focusing on what we have yet to do, or, our attention is on what…

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Who Am I?

This is a question that lies on the lips of most people and yet it is a question that takes some time to uncover and to understand. Most of what we call our ‘identity’ comes from the choices we make in life, what we choose to focus on, what skills we develop, how we relate…

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Letting Go

This week I would like to explore letting go of things, thoughts, people or ideas that you may find that you are holding on to. Usually if we are holding on it is because we are afraid of what may happen if we were to let go. We fill ourselves full of reasons for hanging…

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Lets Talk About Anger

Each and every one of us has felt anger at some stage in our lives. Anger can be described as an emotional response to a set of circumstances. Anger in itself is not a problem; it is the mismanagement of anger that creates the problems. Anger is a normal emotion, one that we are born…

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Embracing Change

One of the most common questions that I am asked is ‘Will I be able to change?’ and another is ‘How long will it take to bring on the change that I am looking for?’ Most of what we call our ‘identity’ comes from the choices we make, what we choose to focus on, what…

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Control vs Surrender

This week I would like to explore what control is and what surrender means. I think that most of us can agree that we like to be in control of things in our lives, to be on top of things or to know how things are going to pan out. We like to be the…

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